Are there nations today or "ethnic groups (greek word for nation "ethane" that has
never heard the word of
heard. OR "Has everyone heard", Joshua Project...
so i hooked into meeting via phone this week to listen in and was shocked at the absurdities mentioned in the study article (2016 may watchtower: "go,..and make disciples of people of all the nations").
the answer is obvious—only jehovah’s witnesses.
the answer the missionary priest gave in no way proves that jws are the only ones "preaching the good news".
Are there nations today or "ethnic groups (greek word for nation "ethane" that has
never heard the word of
heard. OR "Has everyone heard", Joshua Project...
shouldn't they say thanks for" holding down the fort" until we take over?.
OK so the UN will attack "Babylon the great", and then they will look around and ask, who
are we to attack now? JW's our next target. Who??? Man you talk about self-importance and
shouldn't they say thanks for" holding down the fort" until we take over?.
Because they are trying to unite people, that's not God's plan.. From
the beginning God's plan, division among mankind....
so real quick, i know this comes up now and then and i've looked over some of the posts from the past but here's the thing.. when i was a jw i drank all the cool aid, i was 100% and so i have all my own arguments (from the jw's) for why the bible is inspired.
i no longer believe this but i'd really like to read something that is pretty much 100% academic on this subject.
i want to read what scholars have to say about the authenticity of the bible and it's claim at being the inspired word of god.
The OT is a joke but lets talk about the NT.
How is Jesus's crucifixion the ultimate sacrifice if he isn't dead? He has
been immortal since the beginning of time, and he's still alive and immortal today,
so where's the sacrifice? God" I will put you a sleep for a minute, it will be OK you
can't die".
If Jesus removed our sins, then how come we still have to avoid sin and accept him
as our savior to avoid an eternity in hell? What did it accomplish?
and it is still ongoing ?.
obviously sparked off by the 2 afro american citizens gunned down by police officers these past few days.?.
when is this sort of violence going to end ?.
It was worst in the 60's and 70's for blacks without cameras,,,,,We have made progress but
we still have away to go....I have a positive attitude that we will come together as a nation.
The only thing I'am concern about is the white extremist groups use this to ignite a
race war or retaliate against blacks....
i mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
"what is the alternative" A GREAT LIFE!!!!!!!
there seems to be no current data on this information and there is questions concerning the validation of past data.
apparently there is high rate of mental illness and suicide.
jehovahs witnesses suicide rate 5 to 10 times above average.
20 veterans a day committed suicide 2014. Veterans have a suicide rate 50%
higher than those who did not serve in the military..L.A. times June 2 2015.
WE know why it's high among veterans but a religious organization, can we say CULT.
"make for yourself an ark from resinous wood.
you will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside.
" - genesis 6:14. because, you know, that's how you build a giant boat - just wood and tar.
One question, how did Noah prevent the wood from rotting in the desert
hot sun????? How long did it take to build the Ark, around 50-70 years. I would like to know
what kind of wood treatment he used, I could become wealthy.
so if the idea is promoted that god doesn't want anyone to be destroyed, why does he make it so confusing for people to learn about him?.
why are there thousands of differing religions?.
why has "his only true organisation" even taught so many varying doctrines?.
When I see 2/3 of the population wiped out by the Antichrist I will find me a bunker..
Lets see, it can't be ISIS(antichrist) because they believe in GOD in a strange way, so
it will be some satanic organization..
a while back a coworker was telling me she had a migraine in the morning and had to take some aspirin before coming to work.
i was like, "yeah, that wasn't a migraine dear.
that was just a headache.
A few years back the wife had migraine really bad now she take B.C. tablets, knocks it
out in no time. My grandmother took those years ago. Nothing on the market work as
well as that powder. Migraine or throbbing headaches it kick ass..